All Posts tagged as "Process Mining"

ProcessanimateR -- An R library for token animation

Release of the R package processanimateR for token animation based on the bupaR suite.


iDHM @BPM 2017 and Hospital Billing Log

Our demo paper Heuristic Mining Revamped: An Interactive, Data-aware, and Conformance-aware Miner was accepted for presentation at the BPM 2017 conference.


Two Poster Presentations at BPMDS 2017

Two posters of short papers presented at the BPMDS conference, which is co-located with the CAiSE conference in Essen.


Analyzing the Trajectories of Patients with Sepsis using Process Mining

Sepsis cases event log and paper at BPMDS.


Revealing Infrequent Behavior with the Data-aware Heuristic Miner

Our paper Data-driven Process Discovery - Revealing Conditional Infrequent Behavior from Event Logs (preprint) has been accepted for presentation at the CAiSE 2017 conference in Essen.


Resource-friendly handling of event logs in ProM (XESLite)

Recently, I wanted to apply some plug-ins of the Process Mining tool-set ProM on a real-life event log that contained a bit more attributes than the usual concept:name and time:timestamp for each event. This event log contained 155,000 cases and about 1.2 million events, each with 30 attributes. Definitely this is not a small event log, but it is also far away from being Big Data. The compressed XES file just takes about 17 MB of disk space.
